Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pizza / Green Tomato Salsa

I hope everyone is having a great day! Tuesday nights menu was PIZZA. I feel like the cookie monster when I say that. I think I love pizza as much as he does cookies! My portion of the pizza is the right side. We don't have to talk about what's hidden under all that cheese on Tony's side. ha I don't know about Tony's half of the pizza, but my half rocked! The sauce was made from canned diced fire roasted tomatoes. I had some vegan mozzarella sliced cheese, so I put a couple of slices of that over the sauce and then layered on the veggies. The veggies consisted of sauteed onions and red peepers, mushrooms, spinach, asparagus and some fresh Roma tomato slices. Tony thought asparagus on pizza was very odd, but it was awesome! He had veggies on his side to. I just had to omit the spinach and asparagus on his portion. :o)

Next on the agenda for Tuesday night was my first experience with canning. I have two recipes that I am using to make some green tomato salsa. I made the first recipe Tuesday night and am going to make the second one this weekend. The one that I am going to make this weekend actually sounds better than the one that I made last night. The 2nd recipe was recommend by Food Snobbery is my Hobbery, which sounds awesome! I have a feeling that the 2nd recipe will be the winner, but I will let you know after the taste test has been done over the weekend. I'll then share the recipes with you or at least the winning recipe. :o) I also want to say thank you to The Kuntrageous Vegan for recommending that I check out Food Snobbery is my Hobbery for some canning recipes.

I ordered a 5 piece home canning kit and porcelain water-bath canner with a rack from yesterday to make my canning easier. I am hoping that they will be in before the weekend. I had to use my stock pot to sterilize the jars and to process them after I had filled them with the salsa. I then had to use regular tongs to put the jars in and get them out of the boiling water. That was very interesting, but it was a success. I do believe that there will be a lot more canning done in my future. I actually had fun doing it, but let me say that I could not have done it with out my husband. He chopped all the tomatoes up while I chopped the onions and peppers. He's just sweet like that! :o)



  1. Looks like your half was a little smaller. Not fair! :-) But it looks damn tasty.

  2. Hmm, maybe someday Tony will be influenced by you. We can hope! Canning is such a good thing. I go through spurts of it, and I need to get back into it. The salsa looks great - let us know how they tasted. :-)

  3. How nice that you had help canning. I always do it by myself which is no fun.


  4. I love the His n' Hers pizza. Your side does look awesome: great combo of veggies too! The first experience with canning can be overwhelming; sounds like yours turned out very well...I'm looking forward to the taste test results! :)

  5. I love, love, love pizza too. I could eat it multiple times a week if not every day.

    I've never canned before, but the salsa sounds good! Be sure to let us know when you dig in.

  6. I'm really impressed that you're canning! I always swore I'd never can because I'd watch my mom doing it, and it looked like too much work. But now...I think about doing it sometimes. The idea is growing on me.

  7. Oh how I do love pizza. Good job with your canning too! I love that kind of thing.

  8. I hope the salsa experiment turns out amazingly well. It's pizza season right now it seems like <3

  9. Michelle!
    I just realized we live in the same state. If you ever come to Nashville let me know. The wild cow is in walking distance from my house <3

  10. Bianca beat me to it. Your 'half' of the pizza is way smaller than Tony's. It looks like his side is creeping over to yours. Great job canning. Way too much work for me.

  11. Your pizza looks SO MUCH BETTER than the pizza we ordered last night because no one wanted to cook. What a mistake. I love tons of veggies on my pizza and very little "cheese," the opposite of what we got. Bleh.

    Your salsa looks great. In addition to the other blogs where you found great recipes, take a look at for the latest, greatest, safest canning info. It's not a vegan site per se, but tons of vegan recipes can be found, along with canning information.

  12. i love how many veggies you put on your pizza! nd canning, when you get the set you ordered please do pictures!! its nice to know that you CAN can without all the canning...stuff...accoutrements...? but i can see how canning tongs would be way safer than reg ones!!lol.

  13. I love your half-and-half pizza! Everyone gets their way :)

  14. Your salsa looks so yummy! I am not much of a canner but I'd like to do more of it.

    I love lots of veggies on pizza.
